3.1 Research and Development Support
This functional area consists of supporting the development and application of scientific and analytical disciplines to conduct fundamental research; scientific study and experimentation directed toward advancing the state-of-the-art or increasing knowledge or understanding; concept formulation; assessment of system and subsystem requirements; development, analysis and evaluation of concepts, technologies, systems and subsystems; and development of operational concepts and tactics with the end goal being the application of results to developing new or improving existing war fighting capabilities.

3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
This functional area consists of supporting the application of engineering disciplines to technically support development of new war fighting capabilities and systems, technically support development of significant alterations to existing systems, support integration of existing equipment or software into different applications or platforms to support the war fighter, and support evaluation of foreign or non-developmental weapons systems, equipments, and technologies to satisfy existing war fighting requirements. Support is required for system and process engineering disciplines that systematically consider the requirements, synthesize and evaluate alternative concepts, identify a recommended selection, and generate a design and system specification.

3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
This functional area consists of the application of a standardized, rigorous, structured methodology to create and validate a physical, mathematical, or otherwise logical representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, or process. The functional area involves the use of models, including emulators, prototypes, simulators, and stimulators, either statically or over time, to develop data as a basis for making managerial, technical, strategic, or tactical decisions.

3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
This functional area consists of the building, fabrication, testing, evaluating and operating reduced and full scale models, mock-ups, prototypes, pre-production units and research and development (R&D) test tools of electronic and electro-mechanical systems and system elements. Fabrication and machining of replacement parts or equipments for fielded systems or platforms is included. Includes the use of traditional materials as well as new composite materials.

3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support.
This functional area involves the engineering effort required to prepare and assure that the detailed. This functional area involves the engineering effort required to prepare and assure that the detailed technical data documentation that is necessary to support system development reflects the latest design, configuration, integration, and installation concepts. Technical documentation may be in the form of paper, electronic (digital) or interactive computer systems.

3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
This functional area consists of applying engineering, scientific, and analytical disciplines to ensure that systems and platforms RM&A requirements are integrated with the system design, development and life cycle sustainment resulting in war fighting capabilities that function effectively when required and that detection and correction of design deficiencies, weak parts, and workmanship defects that
affect functionality are implemented.

3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
This functional area consists of applying engineering and analytical disciplines to identify, document, and verify the functional, performance, and physical characteristics of systems, to control changes and non-conformance, and to track actual configurations of systems and platforms.

3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
This functional area consists of applying engineering and analytical disciplines to ensure that the processes and products used in the design, development, fabrication, manufacture of result in quality

3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
This functional area consists of applying the engineering and analytical disciplines required to implement acquisition logistics as a multi-functional technical management discipline associated with the experimental development, design, development, test, production, fielding, sustainment, and improvement modifications of cost effective systems that achieve the war fighters' peacetime and wartime readiness requirements. The principal objectives of acquisition logistics are to ensure that support considerations are an integral part of the system's design requirements, that the system can be cost effectively supported through its life-cycle, and that the research and development facilities and infrastructure elements necessary to the design, development, initial fielding, and operational support of the system are identified, developed, acquired, and supported.

3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support.
This functional area consists of applying the analytical and technical disciplines required to ensure that research and development facilities, experimental and developmental systems, and fielded war fighting capabilities are materially sustained. The principal objectives of this functional area is to ensure that material for fleet operation and maintenance of systems is available when required, that materials are properly stored and transported, and inventories are managed in a cost effective manner to sustain supported systems.

3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout Support
This functional area consists of the application of engineering, analytical, and technical disciplines and skills to establish and maintain long term engineering, operation, and maintenance support for inservice war fighting capabilities as well as the capability to modernize or introduce transformational technologies into those capabilities.

3.20 Program Support
This functional area consists of applying the business, financial management, and technical disciplines required to support planning, organizing, staffing, controlling, and leading team efforts in managing acquisition programs such that the result places a capable and supportable system in the hands of the war fighter when and where it is needed, and does so at an affordable price. This functional area represents an integration of a complex system of differing but related functional disciplines that must work together to achieve program goals through development, production, deployment, operations, support and disposal.

3.21 Administrative Support
This functional area consists of applying the clerical and administrative disciplines required for seamless operation of offices and support functions including Human Capital Strategies, Comptroller, and General Counsel.